Thursday, August 5, 2021
Coplus gets Active this August
We all know that exercise and activity is good for both our bodies and our minds but sometimes it’s hard to find the time and motivation to fit it into our daily lives.
So this August we’ve set our people a challenge – to get active. We are celebrating activity in all its forms from kitchen discos to rock climbing! Sharing ideas of things to do, places to go and our stories about what we love doing and what it means to us.
Peter's Story

Peter coaches his son's under 9s football team
Peter Simmons is Head of New Business. A sports lover, Peter was keen to get involved with his son’s interest in football and became the Coach/Manager for his under 9s team. Peter told us what it involves and why he enjoys it.
“The Washington AFC Wildcats Under 9s is my son’s football team. About a year ago I had the opportunity to get involved with the running and training of the team. I had to undertake some coaching to ensure I could train the kids safely whilst having fun. I have passed the FA coaching badge level 1 and am working towards level 2.
“We train every Thursday evening and play in an under 9s league on Saturdays. I’ve already been likened to Pep Guardiola for my winning ways and masterful tactics!
“I love doing this with the kids. I don’t just get them running around I do it too! It’s been a great way to get fitter and get out in the fresh air. Seeing the kids develop their skills and get started in football is wonderful.”
Morgane's Story

Morgane recently surprised herself by committing to gym membership for the first time.
Morgane Guitay is Learning & Performance Specialist. Not a lover of sports Morgane recently surprised herself by committing to gym membership for the first time. The turbulent months of lockdowns had taken their toll so Morgane decided to try something new. This is what it’s meant for her.
“In June I joined the gym for the first time ever. Me, the girl who was always picked last in PE and has hated sports all her life.
“During lockdown my mental health was really affected, like it was for many others. I never left the house and even struggled to find motivation to go for a daily walk. When things opened up again, I felt really unhealthy and unmotivated.
“So a few months ago, I decided to join a gym. I wanted to feel healthier and lose the lockdown weight. I was so surprised to realise that I actually love it! I love swimming but spinning classes have really been amazing.
“Spinning is really hard, but having an instructor to keep me motivated and other people around me going through the same challenges, really helps. It makes me feel like I have no other option than to give it my all. I don't know much about working out but that doesn’t matter. As long as you don’t get hurt and you are having fun, who cares!
“Going to the gym has helped my mental health so much. The biggest thing for me is that I feel proud of myself and that I’m doing it just for me. It’s helped me feel like I am getting a bit of control back after feeling so down during lockdown.
“If you are thinking about joining a gym you should definitely give it a go! You will feel great, you can meet new people if you want to, and you will feel so proud of yourself. After such a difficult time because of Covid-19, we all deserve to feel proud and good about ourselves.”
Mark's Story

Mark showing his skills in an amateur competition
Mark Avery, Head of Project & Implementation. With climbing in the Olympics for the first time this year Mark explains his passion and why he likes scaring himself!
“While my August is active with cycling to work whenever I am in the office, I can’t currently do what I really enjoy which is bouldering (it’s on hold at the moment due to an injury). I can tell you all about it though!
"For those who have not come across bouldering before, it is a form of climbing where short, hard climbing ‘problems’ are climbed without ropes. Walls are shorter than traditional climbing at around 4-5 metres high. The sport has grown in the last few years from a training activity for outdoor climbers to its own discipline with its own competitions and World Cup. With a lack of actual rocks in Norfolk, I do all of my climbing at Highball in Norwich, and a vast majority of boulderers will exclusively climb indoors at purpose built centres.
"Bouldering is as much a problem solving exercise as it is a physical one, working out which moves are needed with lots of falling off as you try to work it out! It’s not all strength based either, form and technique are just as important.
"I love the challenge, the social side of a supportive community and it’s good to get out of your comfort zone and scare yourself once in a while! It’s also a great stress reliever as there’s not much else you want to think about apart from hanging on!
"If you fancy giving this fast growing sport a go, check out your local climbing centre, there’s loads of induction courses and support and a super friendly atmosphere for beginners."
Find out what else we get up to in August as the month continues!